Eden’s birthday is a week later (both in September) and true to form, was not going to miss out, nor would they share a birthday either so “fake 5” was a week later.
It's a plane, in case you're wondering!
Then there was their real birthdays celebrated in Trinidad with our new friends (and surrogate grandparents) Eric and Cathy, who very kindly offered to take us out for both birthdays on their boat to Scotland Bay, up the coast a little...
We got picked up from the dingy dock early, arriving to a breakfast of muesli, yoghurt, fruit, bacon and eggs buns, juice and coffee while we motored our way down. Cathy very generously put on all the food for the day so I could have the day off.
Scotland Bay.
Salem enjoying the view, no longer “fake 8”!
Eden catches the first fish of the day.
Eric cooked it up, compliments to the chef!
video of the birthday activities
Eden very pleased that he can be Captain now he’s really five (not that he didn't try to be Captain before this!)
Home-time, happy and contented.
Buzzards enjoying the thermal lift. This island seems to always have what looks like a swarm hovering over it meters into the sky.
The Sombrero brothers are entertained by the chopper that circled the boat.
What better way to finish the day than with Dr Seuss.
“Doubles” is a popular local dish, often sold at road-side stalls. The boys have been diligently collecting coins found everywhere on the ground, it seems there is very little value in their 1, 5, 10, and 25 cent coins.
Called “doubles” because it has two crepes holding in the delicious chickpea curry mix. We tried a hot one and our mouths were on fire for a good 10 minutes after!
The stall sets up not far from the boatyard at around 6am (so I’m told) and are often sold out before 8am. They cost TT$4 (around NZ .88c)!!
Eli and I got to have some practice with Cathy transporting ourselves up and down the Chaguaramas area to various locations, getting doubles, quotes for work to be done, groceries etc. Salem also had a go at driving but sometimes forgot which way to point the tiller and was easily distracted by all the activity around the harbour!
Here is one of our water tanks lashed in under Eli’s bunk forward, upon closer inspection we discovered it was in need of repair.
Dave spent a number of hours trying to weld up the seams with the gas torch.
Sewing up lee cloths from left over material found in the boat. These will hold us in our beds when it gets rolly.
Eli has a go.
Eli and Dave work on a more user-friendly galley bench, more specifically, a space where we can stand up straight!
The last bench had no sink and had been totally eaten out by termites.
Massive boat out front. Eden managed to hit the water taxi on the right shortly after with his fishing line! Thankfully the driver didn't notice.
Dave makes a drain cap for our head (bathroom).
Mr big 5 year old amping to do some math, and lots of it for that matter. Long may that last!
Eden very happy with his new berth/bunk.
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